But they can also be a pain and give us some of the biggest challenges of life.
What kind of friend are you? What can you do to be a better friend and to help build better friendships? This quiz can help you gauge your current FQ (friendship quotient) and reinforce some of the keys to better friendships.
The Quiz
1. This quiz is going to solve all your friendship problems and make you the most popular person in your school or perhaps the universe.a) Yes, what else would I expect from such an excellent publication?
b) Sounds like a little bit much to ask of small quiz. I think it's just for fun.
c) This is stupid, but I'll look at one more question to give it another chance.
2. A friend tells you that he or she has two tickets to a great game or concert, but you promised another friend you'd help with a litter cleanup drive that day.
a) You accept the great offer and start trying to figure out what to tell your other friend. Surely he or she will understand?
b) Decline the offer since you already promised your other friend.
c) Ask if you can get back to him or her later after you check with your other friend about possibly rescheduling.
3. Someone in your group of friends starts talking behind your back—saying mean things about you.
a) Forget about that “friend” (with friends like that, who needs enemies?), but be doubly sure you don't let your true friends down.
b) See if you can talk to the person in private to find out if you did anything to offend him or her.
c) Warn your other friends about what the person is doing and encourage them to avoid the person, but avoid the temptation to spread bad things you know about him or her.
4. You move to a new school and you don't know anyone!
a) If someone acts friendly, take it as a sign you've just met your new best friend.
b) Be friendly to everybody—you never know who your new best friends will be.
c) Try to make as many friends as possible, and don't be in too much of a rush to make a best friend.
Sometimes it's good to really get to know people before choosing who to spend the most time with.
5. When your friends are trying to decide what activity to do, you:
a) Quickly throw in your idea and explain the advantages.
b) Wait to hear everyone else's ideas before seconding one or suggesting a compromise.
c) Worry that they'll suggest something your parents don't want you to do.
d) Remind everyone it's your turn to pick (even if not everyone likes your idea).
6. One of your friends seems to be upset and talks about doing something wrong.
a) You tell him or her to stop talking crazy and come do something fun.
b) Don't say anything and wait till it blows over.
c) Let the person know you're there to talk about it if he or she wants to.
d) If it is a serious matter, talk to your parents or another adult about it.
7. It is most important that a friend:
a) Be loyal.
b) Be giving.
c) Be encouraging/supportive.
d) Be patient.
e) Not be rude.
f) Be humorous.
g) Be understanding.
h) Have similar values and interests.
i) All of the above.
j) Other _________________________.
b) Be giving.
c) Be encouraging/supportive.
d) Be patient.
e) Not be rude.
f) Be humorous.
g) Be understanding.
h) Have similar values and interests.
i) All of the above.
j) Other _________________________.
![]() |
Friendship |
a) Thanks for the compliment, but you're scaring us!
b) We hope it's fun.
c) We appreciate your honesty and giving us another chance.
a) Are you sure he or she will understand?
b) Your loyalty is to be commended.
c) It could be worth a try.
a) Seems like there's a mystery here—it might be good to know why before giving up on your friend.
b) Check out Matthew 5:23-24 and 18:15.
c) The temptation will be great!
a) Might be, but life's not always that simple.
b) Good point.
c) Though rarely practiced, there's something to be said for choosing your closest friends (see Proverbs 12:26 and 13:20).
a) Take me to your leader.
b) Peacemaker, anyone?
c) Sometimes the worry is justified—but is there some way you can head it off? See a and b.
d) Fairness takes some finesse to ensure everyone has fun.
a) Depending on the person's personality and the type of problem, this could help snap them out of it.
b) Some problems do get better with a good night's sleep.
c) We all need good friends like you!
d) Getting help to keep your friend safe is more important than possibly making him or her upset at you.
7. We like all of them!
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